Sai Family Cult Awareness Group

We want to warn families of the dangers of being involved with the Sai Family cult. Shree Lal also known as Shree Sai Baba is a self-proclaimed incarnation of Sai Baba and claims to be a Hindu “Guru”. She tells her devotees that she’s a channel for the world, but only her sincere devotees have the ability to know that she’s an incarnation. For the past 20 years, she has been running this cult in South San Francisco. Shree has meticulously organized and ran an illegal temple from her home. She falsifies miracles, claims to save lives of her members and exploits her unsuspecting victims for money.
Hinduism is a religion of peace, truth, and divinity. It has been established for thousands of years and there has always been a revered and respected custom of becoming a Guru. In Hinduism, when an incarnation is born, he/she is publicly recognized and honored by the Guru and other enlightened beings. This is the unbroken and respected tradition that has been honored for thousands of years in Hinduism.
The unfortunate truth is that Shree has decided to neglect all Hindu customs and self-claimed herself to be a “Guru” by announcing herself to be Sai Baba’s incarnation. Shree was never appointed by any already established Guru to be a predecessor of a spiritual lineage. She doesn’t have any knowledge about the Hindu Scriptures, a prerequisite of becoming a Hindu Guru. Her criminal acts and false establishment as a Guru is blasphemous and disrespectful towards all Hindus and their beliefs.
Her beliefs and customs are founded on convoluted and illogical practices. She pretends to be fatally ill most of the time as a result of her healing people. Channels that heal people by channeling Hindu gods don’t fall sick. When the divine energy passes through their body they get healed. She also claims to be of pure soul and anyone speaks against her will make god angry. This results with threats to her followers that if they don’t take action against the people who speak against her, then she’ll return to heaven and there will be many catastrophes on earth.
Dark Magic

According to renowned and respected Hindu gurus, priests, and healers; Shree practices dark magic from which she attains Siddhis like manifesting objects, appearing in someone’s dreams and healing powers. Unlike most other Hindu Gurus that follow Sattvic diet which requires abstaining from meat and alcohol, she consumes meat and drinks daily while corrupting her followers and requiring them to do the same. A common practice done by those who partake in dark magic, gaining control of their victims through the foods they consume.
According to renowned and respected Hindu gurus, priests, and healers; Shree practices dark magic from which she attains Siddhis like manifesting objects, appearing in someone’s dreams and healing powers. Unlike most other Hindu Gurus that follow Sattvic diet which requires abstaining from meat and alcohol, she consumes meat and drinks daily while corrupting her followers and requiring them to do the same. A common practice done by those who partake in dark magic, gaining control of their victims through the foods they consume.

Shree maintains psychological control over her followers in many unethical and illicit ways. She proclaims that any wrong doing to her will be punished by Sai Baba himself. She physically assaults them publicly if they defy her. She commonly uses fear, guilt and humiliation as thought reform techniques and socially isolates her followers.
Shree is known to promote certain devotees as the chosen few. Usually those with the most money. Once promoted, a devotee must follow her every command blindly. These commands often include secrecy between spouses, more money, and labor work. Shree turns the spouses against one another. She uses manipulative techniques and seduction to corrupt the minds of the men while isolating the women. In doing so she is able to focus on the men in the group and convince them of being victims. This results in the men neglecting and oppressing their wives and children. In some cases men who followed her have been arrested or forced to attend anger management due to the abusement of their wives and innocent children.

Shree Lal with her members

Shree Lal
Shree was born in Fiji in the late 60’s, where her mother would illegally sell alcohol on the streets. Her paternal Aunt and Uncle pretended to channel Hindu Gods. She migrated to the United States and married with the sole intention of acquiring citizenship. She has been married several times to men up to twenty-four years younger than her.
Shree, like all cult leaders, is self proclaimed and under no circumstance has been verified by any legitimate priest or Guru. She falsifies miracles in her Sai Family. Allegedly, she has extorted millions of dollars from her group members and own properties in several countries. Her sole purpose seems to attain money and power, not to help people!